The world premiere of HEART, written by and starring acclaimed British performer and poet Jade Anouka, directed by Ola Ince, and produced by Audible Inc. – the leading creator and provider of premium audio storytelling – in association with Kate Pakenham Productions, begins performances this Saturday, July 9.

HEART will celebrate opening night on Sunday, July 17 at the Minetta Lane Theatre (18 Minetta Lane, between MacDougal & 6th Avenue – one block south of W. 3rd Street), Audible’s creative home for live performances in New York. The limited engagement will run for five weeks only, through Sunday, August 14.

HEART is also available as an Audible Original, extending its reach to millions of Audible listeners around the world.

HEART, a truly poetic and life-affirming new play, explores the maxim that “Every new story begins as another one ends.” Written and performed by London-based actor and poet Jade Anouka (His Dark Materials), HEART introduces us to a woman, shaken by a broken relationship, who finds herself discovering love in the last place—and with the last person—she ever expected. With her sexuality awakened to a new truth, she battles her own and society’s expectations of what love looks like. Directed by Ola Ince, this world premiere production—dedicated to the misfits and “others”—takes the listeners on a powerful and relatable journey, one that challenges the ‘norms’ society presents us with and celebrates the freedom found in following your heart. TodayTix to offer $20 mobile rush tickets beginning at 10am each performance day.