


Seeking Goddess Advice

Cabaret Review By John Weatherford


Marya Zimmet presented her show, Oh, My God-dess!!, Saturday November 15, 2014 at Metropolitan Room. The show was inspired by the book Goddesses in Every Woman by Jean Shinoda Bolen. Searching for an answer to get out of her life rut, she has conjured up seven goddesses to give her their advice in song and patter.

Artemis suggested that Marya get a goal and a passport, while Athena felt that the best way to find purpose is to go the creative route… get a hobby. Of course, when she conjured up Aphrodite, red boa and all, seeking out lovers would be the most enjoyable answer. Hera was more inclined to propose marriage as the key to happiness and Persephone, unfortunately, had little to offer, as she appeared not to be able to make up her mind. Demeter believed that having a child, or at least a dog, might shine a path to enlightenment. And, Hestia saw the answer in loving each other as one.

Ms. Zimmet returned “to the present” realizing that she, most likely, has been listening to her inner goddesses all along. Their advice, if combined, was perhaps a better way to fulfill her wish to make a more meaningful life. She has selected a cornucopia of songs (i.e. But Beautiful, Gypsy in My Soul, Down With love, I Can’t Say No) to represent the thoughts of each goddess and a few might have been a bit of a stretch. But, Ms. Zimmet has a wonderful voice and she performs with style and grace.

Directed by the ever-respected Barry Kleinbort, we are taken on this journey of seeking inner knowledge with a light-hearted and twinkling presentation. I would have preferred a little less dialogue and a few more songs, as I found her interpretations well defined. She was accompanied by her musical director, Dan Furman. Tom Hubbard, as usual, was perfection on the bass.

Photos/Video: Russ Weatherford